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Baldwin EMC Begins Deploying Landis+Gyr Load Management System

Utility plans to install 20,000 load management devices 

Atlanta, GA. – Feb. 15, 2016 – Landis+Gyr announced that Baldwin EMC, the largest electric cooperative in Alabama, has begun installing an advanced load management system to support four unique residential demand response programs.

Landis+Gyr’s advanced load management system is part of the Gridstream® Customer Intelligence solution and delivers two-way, verifiable communication with load control switches and thermostats. Additionally, the system supports a home energy management system with mobile application for members to manage equipment and participation in demand response events. Baldwin EMC is planning to deploy 20,000 devices with the ability to manage 19 megawatts of load.

“Our Centsible Power demand response program offers four options for members to receive credit for water heater and HVAC control and provides access to online and mobile applications so they can monitor and control attached equipment and stay engaged.” said Alan Schott at Baldwin EMC. “We are projecting cost savings from the program of more than $22 million over the next decade and all members benefit from these reduced costs.”

As part of the project, Landis+Gyr completed integration of its load management operating system, Power Center, with NISC’s Customer Information System. The integration synchronizes program enrollment and management of Baldwin EMC’s four demand response programs, while automating device installations and service calls.

“The project involves extensive use of both programmable communicating thermostats and load control switches and we believe it will develop into one of the most sophisticated load management projects undertaken by an electric cooperative,” said Clark Pierce, General Manager of Landis+Gyr’s load management business. “With the ability to fine tune and verify exact load shedding during peak and the opportunities for consumer engagement, Baldwin can more easily monitor performance and meet efficiency goals.”

Landis+Gyr’s advanced load management technology features intelligent switches with built-in metrology that confirm the amount of load shed at each appliance. This capability allows more flexibility for consumers during conservation events while still maintaining load shedding goals.

About Baldwin EMC
Baldwin EMC is a member-owned cooperative supplying electric service to more than 70,000 meters throughout Baldwin County and southern Monroe County in southwestern Alabama. Baldwin is the largest electric cooperative in the state of Alabama and one of the fastest-growing electric cooperatives in the nation.

About Landis+Gyr
Landis+Gyr is the leading global provider of integrated energy management products tailored to energy company needs and unique in its ability to deliver true end-to-end advanced metering solutions. Today, the Company offers the broadest portfolio of products and services in the electricity metering industry, and is paving the way for the next generation of smart grid. With annualized sales of more than US$1.5 billion, Landis+Gyr, an independent growth platform of the Toshiba Corporation (TKY:6502) and 40% owned by the Innovation Network Corporation of Japan, operates in 30 countries across five continents, and employs 5,500 people with the sole mission of helping the world manage energy better. More information is available at landisgyr.com.

Dan Jacobson | Regional Contact North America
Senior Marketing Communications Manager