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Landis+Gyr Poland listed as Forbes Diamond 2010

Landis+Gyr Poland is a member of the companies considered in the revenue range of between 50 and 260million Polish Zlotych (12.8 and 66million Euro). The primary ingredients taken into consideration for this ranking were the local company’s return on assets and profit history, as well as its revenue growth dynamics, and positive cash flow from 2006-2008. 

“We are very excited to be listed as a Forbes Diamond for 2010. This unique status heralds the success of our hard work and commitment to the market and we are delighted to be recognised for the good work that was achieved,” says Andrzej Szymanski, CEO, Landis+Gyr Poland.

Landis+Gyr has been present in Poland for 17 years and during that time has gained industry respect and built a solid reputation as a trusted partner in energy management solutions. For Poland’s main utilities, Landis+Gyr has been the chosen smart metering supplier due to its best in class solutions across the entire metering value chain. Landis+Gyr has recently announced successful contracts with leading utilities in the fast growing economy including Vattenfall, the largest foreign investor in the Polish energy market, ENION, the second largest electricity distributor in Poland, and ENERGA, one of Poland’s largest utilities.