Landis+Gyr & Tata Power-DDL Partner to Deploy Smart Metering Infrastructure in Delhi
Landis+Gyr, the global leader in smart metering and smart grid solutions, has secured one of the largest smart metering contracts yet awarded in India, with Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd (Tata Power-DDL). Encompassing 200,000 single phase and three phase smart meters, the project is a follow up to the contract for India’s first Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) with Radio Frequency (RF) Canopy, comprising 500,000 endpoints, which Tata Power-DDL awarded to Landis+Gyr earlier this year.
Delhi / Sydney / Zug – September 4, 2017: Tata Power-DDL distributes electricity in the north of Delhi, India’s capital city, and serves a population of 7 million, with a customer base of 1.6 million people. It has been the frontrunner in implementing power distribution reforms and is dedicated to using technological innovation to better serve its customers. An AMI rollout of this size and significance, comprising smart meters and related infrastructure, will certainly provide the vital backbone for Tata Power-DDL’s customers to reap the benefits of the smart energy revolution.
In the spirit of true partnership, Landis+Gyr supported Tata Power-DDL through an initial pilot phase to gain the regulatory approval necessary for full roll out.
Praveer Sinha, CEO and MD of Tata Power-DDL, said, “We are dedicated to bringing state of the art AMI technology and solutions to our customers in North Delhi. Our work with Landis+Gyr on India’s first, large scale, smart meter and RF canopy deployment, which covers the full 510 square kilometres of Tata Power-DDL’s area of operation, marks a significant step in our efforts to bring smart grid technology to India. This deployment will not only empower our consumers by utilizing a two-way communication system, but it will also help us to build an important foundation for a truly smart grid, featuring world class power distribution infrastructure.”
Ellie Doyle, Landis+Gyr’s Executive Vice President of APAC, said, “Smart metering and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) can bring so many benefits to the end customer, allowing them the opportunity to better manage and control their energy use. It gives us at Landis+Gyr an enormous sense of pride and accomplishment to be on this journey with one of India’s most innovative utilities.”
“From energy grid technology, to renewable energy initiatives, and on to an online billing and payment system for energy consumers, Tata Power-DDL has been at the forefront in implementing the latest in energy innovation in India. We look forward to supplying this important first tranche of smart meters for them, providing as it will the smart energy data necessary to further deepen the relationship Tata Power-DDL has with its customers,” added Doyle.
About Landis+Gyr
Landis+Gyr is the leading global provider of integrated energy management solutions for the utility sector. Offering one of the broadest portfolios of products and services to address complex industry challenges, the company delivers comprehensive solutions for the foundation of a smarter grid, including smart metering, distribution network sensing and automation tools, load control, analytics and energy storage. Landis+Gyr operates in over 30 countries across five continents. With sales of approximately USD 1.7 billion, the company employs c. 6,000 people with the sole mission of helping the world manage energy better. More information is available at
About Tata Power-DDL
Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (established July 1, 2002) is a joint venture between Tata Power and Government of Delhi. It distributes electricity to a populace of 7 million across an area of 510 sq km in North Delhi with a peak load of 1852 MW. Tata Power-DDL has been a frontrunner in implementing power distribution reforms in the India’s capital city, reducing the Aggregate Technical & Commercial (AT&C) losses from the inherited 53% to the present 8.59% (as on date). The company is implementing projects including Smart Metering, Home Automation, Smart Grid, Electric Charging Stations, Solar Rooftop Net Metering. Tata Power-DDL is also providing technical and management support through consultancy assignments in 19 Indian states and abroad including Kurdistan, Turkey, Iraq. The World Bank in its ‘Doing Business’ Report has acknowledged Tata Power-DDL’s contribution towards improving the ease of getting electricity connection through process simplification improving India’s ranking twice, by 111 points from 137 in 2015 to 26 in 2017.
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