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Improve grid operations using edge data

Operational Analytics is one of three modular, web-based application packages designed to fully leverage Landis+Gyr’s Advanced Grid Analytics (AGA) platform. As part of our AGA Solutions Portfolio, Landis+Gyr’s Operational Analytics leverages AMI, GIS and SCADA data to create actionable insights, expanding the benefits of your AMI system.

The power distribution system connectivity and impedance model allow for data generated at the edge to be projected across the asset base to the source. This enables a wide variety of use cases to support planning and operations including asset management, interconnection requests, and outage event monitoring. Operational Analytics contains four modules, providing powerful and meaningful operational insights.

Expanded Modules

In addition to the modules included in metering analytics, the operational analytics package expands access to the following modules to give you deeper insights.

Full Model Validation Module

Identify gaps in connectivity model, asset rating issues,​ and evaluate power flow convergence

Learn more about the Full Model Validation Module

Loading Performance Module

Identify overloaded and underutilized devices to gauge performance across asset base

Learn more about the Loading Performance Module

Grid Monitoring Module

Determine tripped devices, fault location, and affected customers​ to support FLISR efforts in near real-time

Learn more about the Grid Monitoring Module

Capacity Planning Module

Test various loading and control scenarios to address capacity bottlenecks, mitigate equipment failure, and support DER integration

Learn more the Capacity Planning Module