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Electricity Meters

LTE-M Cellular Revelo®

Landis+Gyr’s LTE-M cellular communication for Revelo meters provides Gridstream Connect customers with another AMI option that is feature-rich and simple to deploy. Read more

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Landis+Gyr’s Revelo Cellular meters build on the benefits of Revelo’s high-resolution current and voltage metrology, edge intelligence
capability, and built in Wi-Fi, replacing mesh communications with an LTE-M cellular communication option that is preconfigured to
self-register with Landis+Gyr’s head-end system. Revelo Cellular models can be deployed using Landis+Gyr’s turnkey cellular service
or within a utility’s existing cellular network plan.

  • High resolution current and voltage streaming to an integrated Edge Intelligence Card
  • Gridstream® Connect App OS enabled sensor
  • LTE-M cellular communications
  • E360 available in 200 amp and 320 amp disconnect to facilitate residential growth in load due to electrical vehicle chargers, heat pumps, etc.
  • E660 available in wide voltage (120-480V) without a disconnect switch for C&I use
  • Millisecond resolution network time to aid phase and grid anomaly detection
  • Micro arc sensing for early detection of hot socket conditions
  • Wi-Fi Certified and Internet enabled open application ecosystem with third-party and utility partner application creation potential
  • Enhanced power quality and richer harmonics measurement
  • High-resolution billing system (ready for the future of transactive energy)

Landis+Gyr’s turnkey LTE-M cellular solution is the newest communication addition to the Gridstream Connect utility IoT platform. With the Revelo Cellular option, meters can be deployed wherever cellular service is available without the overhead of costly mesh network upgrades or integrations, allowing utilities to rapidly deploy industry-leading technology as needed, without conflicts with proprietary communications or legacy technology.

Revelo Cellular supports public and private LTE options in cases where connectivity is provided by either Landis+Gyr or the utility.

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